• right and wrong

    How can Regenerative Cotton make the Planet Better?

    While cotton is a common material used to create products, there are adverse effects from conventional cotton. It has many chemicals in the make-up that aren’t healthy for us. This includes: Herbicides Insecticides Pesticides Synthetic Fertilizers These harmful chemicals can damage the air we breathe, water resources, and the quality of the soil. They have been linked to harming the overall quality of life for people. Approximately 1 million agricultural workers are admitted to the hospital annually for poisoning from such chemicals relating to their job tasks. Such chemicals are often sprayed on conventional cotton, but they also get into the soil and the water due and that is a…

  • Products

    Super Affordable Ethical Clothing Brands for Everyday Wear

    Sustainable ethical clothing purchases are encouraged, but one of the challenges is finding affordable options. Some of the companies charge high fees for the clothing due to the extra overhead they have. They haven’t found a way to create that type of item without the additional costs. Other providers can lower the price without compromising the value, and they can lower the prices. Consumers are eager to purchase ethical clothing because they like how it helps the environment. They don’t want to buy from any company that promotes poor working conditions either. Yet many consumers find they just can’t justify the prices of the items. They lose interest once they…

  • Products

    Ethical and Sustainable Clothing Brands you can Confidently Wear to the Office

    Dressing for comfort and meeting the dress code in a place of business is important. There are great brands you will love to wear, and they will make you feel confident. You will enjoy what you see in the mirror before you head out to start your day. These items are also ethical and sustainable. It feels good knowing the clothing you choose is good for the environment and encouraging brands to uphold the highest standards for work conditions. Here are some fantastic brands to look at. You will love the variety of items they offer. What you feel comfortable in and the dress code where you work will influence…