Ethical and Sustainable Clothing Brands you can Confidently Wear to the Office
Dressing for comfort and meeting the dress code in a place of business is important. There are great brands you will love to wear, and they will make you feel confident. You will enjoy what you see in the mirror before you head out to start your day. These items are also ethical and sustainable. It feels good knowing the clothing you choose is good for the environment and encouraging brands to uphold the highest standards for work conditions.
Here are some fantastic brands to look at. You will love the variety of items they offer. What you feel comfortable in and the dress code where you work will influence what gets your attention. The good news is you don’t have to spend lots of money to expand your wardrobe when you buy from any of these amazing brands.
Denim dresses are the top selling item of this Nashville based ethical and sustainable career clothing brand. They have numerous certifications to verify they are going the distance with their practices and choice of materials. If you love to wear emerging fashion, this is the ideal place for you to shop. They enjoy pushing the designs forward and you can be among the first seen wearing them.
This is a company located in New York. They rely on vegan and recycled materials to create their clothing. They give back to the community through various programs. They also encourage customers to return items to them to be recycled rather than sending them to the landfill. They offer clothing that is trendy but also practical so it never goes out of style. Customers rave about how great these items feel!
Women love the colourful designs and the bright patterns of the dresses and outfits featured from Boden. They are a driving force behind the Ethical Trading Initiative, with high standards in place for their operations. The prices for their career clothing range from very low to expensive. It all depends on what you are after.
Eileen Fisher
This clothing brand is established in New York, and they are proud to stand behind its eco-friendly methods. They give back to the community and they have a place in their shop where customers can shop for second-hand items. Most of their fabrics are lightweight and all of them are extremely comfortable.
They promote programs to conserve water and energy. They take part in fair labour practices. The variety of coats, jackets, and vests are among the best. Their prices are higher than some of the other options, but the quality is hard to match!
This brand is set up in the UK and they offer a variety of items. They rely on organic and recycled products to create them. They offer items for women including dresses, blouses, and pantsuits. They ship to locations all over the world.
This California based company continues to seek out ways to help the environment. They give back to the community through charitable donations. They offer low-cost clothing but the items are top quality. Anyone that sees you in this brand will assume you paid far more for the clothing than you actually did. They hold up well too, giving you staples within your wardrobe to mix and match for unique designs. Worn Out Well is the place to find second-hand Tradlands items for a discounted price.
Located in San Francisco, Quince is an amazing company offering career-oriented sustainable clothing. They take part in ethical production and labour and even their packaging is eco-friendly. This is a great place to get silk items you can wash and cashmere sweaters for a reasonable price.